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I can pretend

I can pretend

In one single day or even in an hour, I can pretend to be as many me’s
as I want to be. I can pretend to be a movie star, an artist, a teacher,
a doctor, an inventor. I can pretend that I am anywhere at any time
doing anything I want to do. I can go back to long ago. I can go ahead
into a time that has yet to come. I can “see” all this in the world
inside my mind.

When I tell my mother about my different me’s and the things they do and
the places they go, she smiles and says, “You have imagination.” That’s
what she calls pretending.

Now I work with maps that other people have made. But I dream of the day
when I will help to make a map.

She says that children aren’t the only ones who pretend. Grown-ups do
it, too. Someone must “see” a thing in a pretend world before it can be
made into a part of the real world. How else could there be new things
that never were before?

Without imagination there would be no rocket ships, airplanes,
telephones, televi­sion, or the many other things I see in my world. No
one could make up a poem or a story. No one could make beautiful
paint­ings or statues.

I learn when inventors, artists, writers, and others share with me the
worlds they “see” inside their minds. I want to share my pretend world,

I pretend that I can build roads. Grown-ups pretend, too. They build
models for things in the real world.

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