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I play with sounds

I play with sounds

I use words to say the things I want to say. But sometimes I like to
play with words and sounds and sayings.

If I say “Shhh,” “Ooops,” “Ugh,” “Hiss,” or “Buzz,” I wonder- “Is that a
sound I’m saying with a word, or a word I’m saying with a sound?”

I puzzle over the funny way words can be used, and I ask myself:

“Windows have panes, but do they hurt?”

“If I go up the street, must I always come back down?”

“If I straighten a room, will it curl up when I leave?”

“Can I really be an early bird?”

“Why doesn’t our fir tree grow coats?” I like to say words that curl my
tongue silly, pillow, wallop. I think it’s fun to use thingumajig
and whatchamacallit words. And I like to twist words around, like
this: wiggle waggle, jiggle jaggle, diggle daggle, higgeldy piggeldy,
humpedy dumpedy stumpedy.

I have words to say what I need to say, words to puzzle over and play
with, words to laugh and think about. I like to use words. I like to

Aitch-choo! That’s how I think a sneeze sounds. I listen to sounds and I
try to copy them. Sometimes I play a game. I make a list of sounds I’ve
heard. Then I try to match the sounds to pictures I see in books.

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