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I have been wondering. That’s thinking.

I found some answers. I read them and understood them. That’s thinking,

Scientists don’t know exactly how peo­ple think. They do know that people
think with their brains. And they know some of the kinds of thinking
people do.

I remember. That’s thinking. I remem­ber my last birthday. . . what I
learned in school last year . . . what time I must be home for dinner.

I can think about things that are just ideas. That’s another kind of
thinking. I know what the number 10 means. I know what loving my mother
and father means.

I decide about things. I look at two pic­tures I have made and I say,
“This one is better.” That’s thinking.

I plan and make things—a model, a pup­pet. I have to think to do that.

I wonder, remember, decide, plan, un­derstand ideas. I think. And I do it
all with my brain.

The human brain weighs only about three pounds (1.5 kilograms). A
six-year- old child’s brain is as big as a gTown-up’s brain. The brain
isn’t large, but it’s impor­tant. I learn, remember, and think with my

An electronic “brain” is huge. A human brain is small. Yet an electronic
“brain” can’t do anything unless human brains help it.

I can think of different ways to show that I know what 10 means.

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