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Friends share my widening world

Friends share my widening world

I am growing up. To grow is to learn. I like the people who help me
grow. I learn many things from friends my own age and from my family, my
doctor, my dentist, my teachers, and lots of other grown-ups. They are
all my friends.

My uncle is my friend. He lets me help when he works on his car. I watch
him when he changes the oil and checks the battery.

The gi’own-ups I know are busy people. I like to watch while the garbage
collector works. I talk to the clerks who sell food, clothes, and toys.
I talk to the librarian, to

the people who cut the grass in the park, to the lifeguard at the pool.
They always say “hello” when they see me.

The police officer on the corner is my friend. The officer helps me
cross the street when I go to school or when I come home from school.

My grandfather is my friend, too. He knows how to do lots of things.
When my bicycle was broken, he showed me how to fix it.

I feel friendly toward all these people and lots of others. I want and
need friends to share my widening world.

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