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Party Games

Party Games

Everyone enjoys party games. Here are some you can play at your party.
The ages are only a suggestion. Many older boys and girls still enjoy
games suggested for younger children.

Telephone (ages 9-12)

This game can be played around the party table. One guest whispers a
message to the person on his or her right. This person passes on the
message. The last one to receive the message tells it out loud. Is it
the same message that was started?

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

(all ages)

Hang a big picture of a donkey on the wall. Give each guest a numbered
tail with a piece of masking tape on the end. One at a time, blindfold
and spin each guest around three times. Then face the person toward the
wall. Each one then walks to the wall and tries to pin the tail on the
donkey. The one whose tail comes closest to the right spot wins the
game. Or, pin hats on witches, stars on Christmas trees, or noses on

Treasure Hunt (ages 3-8)

Hide candy all around the party room. Tell the guests to find as many
pieces of candy as they can. You can hide colored eggs at Easter and
candy canes at Christmas. Or, you can hide beads and then let everyone
string their beads.

Pass the Orange (ages 9-12)

Everyone stands in a circle. You hold an orange under your chin and try
to pass it to the person on your right. The person on your right tries
to take the orange under his chin. No one may use their hands during
this game. Any player who drops the orange is out.

Spoon Race (all ages)

Give each guest a spoon and a cup with fifty beans in it. The guests put
their cups behind the starting line. They must use the spoon to move all
the beans to an empty cup behind the finish line. Each guest can carry
as many beans and make as many trips as he wants. The first one to move
all his beans to the finish line wins the game. It\’s a good idea to
print each guest’s name on his or her cup.

Potato Race (ages 9 12)

Give each guest a potato. Everyone must walk from the start to the
finish line with the potato on the toe of his shoe. If the potato falls
off, it may be put back. The first one to cross the finish line wins the
game. Or, play this game as a relay race. Give a potato to each team.

Bingo (ages 3-8)

Have all the guests sit in a circle. A ball is passed around the circle
while everyone sings this song:

I knew an old farmer who had a dog And Bingo was his name.

B-l-N-G-O, B-l-N-G-O, B-l-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name.

The one who has the ball when the song ends is out. Start over again.
Keep going until one player is left. That player is the winner!

More Party Games

Here are more party games you will find on other pages in this book.

Ages 3-8 Ages 9-12 All Ages

Dog and Bone 285 Boxes 291 Duck, Duck, Goose 277

Egg-Carton Race 32 Charades 295 Musical Chairs 284

Farmer in the Dell 283 Observation 294 Simon Says 282

London Bridge 282 Tiddlywinks 32

Sailboat Race 33 Tin-Can Toss 32

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