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Scenery and props

Scenery and props

Scenery and props help to tell the story your puppets act out.

Scenery for a puppet play does not have to look real. Use just
enough scenery to let the audience know where the story takes place.

Paint your scenery on large pieces of paper. Then tack or tape the paper
to the wall behind the stage. If you are using a puppet stage with a

string, use clothespins or safety pins to hang the scenery from the

You can also pin scenery to a stage curtain. Glue magazine pictures to
pieces of cardboard. When the glue is dry, cut out the shapes. Then tape
an open safety pin, with the point facing down, to the back of the
cutout. Pin the cutouts to the curtain.

Props will make your puppets\’ actions more exciting and more real.
If your puppet is going to sweep the floor, he should do it with a
broom. For a puppet, a whisk broom is a big, funny broom.

You can also have your puppets brush their teeth with toothbrushes,
build make-believe fires with twigs, arrange doll furniture, and hang
pictures on the scenery or stage curtain. Puppets can carry fruits and
vegetables, pretend to pour liquid from bottles, bake cakes, and write
with pencils.

Many of your toys would make good props for your puppet plays.

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