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Gifts to Give

Gifts to Give

Gifts to Give

Gifts are fun to give! And special hand-made gifts are even more fun
than the gifts you can buy in a store. Made-to-order gifts say “You’re
special. And I made a special gift just for you.”

When you think about making and giving gifts, think first about the
person to whom you are going to give them. Try to remember what he or
she likes. What are his interests? What are her favorite colors? What
might he need? What have you heard her talking about lately? When you’ve
answered these questions, you’re ready to plan a gift-making project.

Look through the gift ideas in this section. You’ll find gifts for
grown-ups and gifts for children. Then look through the rest of the
book. Many of the projects and ideas in the other sections can be given
as gifts, too.

And when you’ve finished making a gift, wrap it up in a perky package,
make a card to say “hello,” and pop on a bouncy bow. Your gift is ready
to give!

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