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Working with Wood

Working with Wood

Working with Wood

Wood is all around you! You walk on wooden floors and open wooden doors.
Most window frames are made of wood. And the chair you’re sitting on
probably has a wooden frame. Even the pages in this book come from wood.

For thousands of years, people have made useful and beautiful things
from wood. Do-it-yourself carpenters and skilled craftsmen saw, glue,
join, and polish wood to make everything from simple toys to concert

You can create with wood, too. All you need is some wood and a few
woodworking tools. You can build a stool to sit on. An old roller skate
and a board can take you traveling around your neighborhood. And you can
make a musical instrument from ice-cream sticks and wood scraps.

If you’ve never worked with wood before, now is the time to start. With
wood, you can create toys and games and useful objects.

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