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Turtle pinata

Turtle pinata


  • balloon (large)

  • candy (wrapped)

  • glue (white)

  • paintbrushes

  • papier-mache (pulp and strip)

  • string

  • tempera paint

  • toilet-paper tubes (three)

A pinata is a papier-mache or clay pot which is shaped like an animal or
person and filled with candy. Children in Mexico and other
Latin-American countries enjoy playing with pihatas around holiday time.

  1. Start by making a large supply of papier-mache pulp (see
    papier-mache pulp, page 89). You will use the pulp in steps 5
    and 6.

  2. For the turtle’s body, blow up a large balloon and tie the neck.
    Cover the balloon with two or three layers of papier-mache strips
    (see strip papier-mache, page 88).

  3. To make the legs, cut two empty toilet-paper tubes on a slant, as
    shown. Cover each tube with a layer of papier-mache strips.

Attach the legs to the body, one at a time. Place each leg so that the
slanted edge rests flat against the body. Use short papier-mache strips
to fasten the legs to the body, as shown. Paste on more papier-mache
strips to hold all the pieces in place.

  1. To make the turtle’s neck, cut another toilet-paper tube on a slant
    as you did for the legs. Cover one of the tubes with a layer of
    papier-mache strips. Fasten the neck to one end of the turtle\’s
    body the same way you attached the legs in step 3. Let the strips
    dry (see dry, page 89).

7 Ask a grown-up to cut an opening as big as your fist in the bottom
of the turtle. Place handfuls of wrapped candy inside the turtle. Then
paste a layer of papier-mache strips over the opening. Let the strips

5 Use the papier-mache pulp you made in step 1 to make the turtle’s
head. Roll two large spoonfuls of pulp into a ball. Place the ball in
the open end of the neck. Press pulp around the head and neck.

6 Cover the neck, legs, and the top and sides of the body with pulp.
Do not cover the bottom of the turtle’s body with pulp. Do not pick up
the turtle as you work. Let the pulp dry for two or more days.

8 If you want to hang the pinata, you’ll need to attach a string. To
do this, poke a small hole in the top of the turtle’s body. Push one end
of a long piece of string into the hole. Press a little pulp around the
hole. To make sure the string doesn’t slip out, dab a little white glue
around the hole. Let the pulp and the glue dry.

Decorate your pinata with tempera paint or colored paper. To find out
how to use your pinata, turn to the section titled \”Come to My Party.”

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