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Small tray

Small tray

1 Find an empty meat or vegetable tray,. Cover the tray with five or
six layers of papier-mache strips (see strip papier-mache, page 88).
Cover the front, back, and sides of the tray. Smooth the strips down
around the corners of the tray.


  • brick or heavy book

  • meat or vegetable tray (plastic, cardboard, or styrofoam)

  • paintbrushes

  • paste

  • strip papier-mache

  • tempera paint

  • varnish

Let the papier-mache dry (see dry, page 89). To keep the tray from
bending while it is drying, put a brick or heavy book in it. If you use
a book, wrap it in plastic to keep it from getting wet.

  1. When the papier-mache is completely dry, paint the tray any color
    you like with tempera paint. You can also paint designs on the tray
    or paste colorful magazine cutouts on it.

  2. When you finish decorating the tray, spread a thin coat of varnish
    on it with a paintbrush. The varnish will make the tray look shiny.

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