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Neck ornament

Neck ornament


  • newspaper

  • paintbrush

  • papier-mache pulp

  • tempera paint

  • yarn or string

  • Make some papier-mache pulp (see papier-mache pulp, page 89).
    Drop two large spoonfuls of pulp on a thick layer of newspaper.
    Press and squeeze the pulp until it is smooth. Now roll the pulp
    into a ball. Flatten out the ball on the newspaper.

  • Poke two holes through the pulp near the top edge, as shown. Now
    press designs into the pulp with your finger. Press firmly, but do
    not go through the other side. Let the pulp dry (see dry, page

  1. When the pulp is dry, paint designs on it with tempera paint. Paint
    one side at a time. When the one side is dry, paint the other side.

  2. Cut a piece of yarn or string long enough to go around your neck.
    Place one end of the yarn through the holes you poked out in step 2.
    Pull the yarn through the holes and tie the ends around your neck.
    If you have enough pulp left over, try making earrings to match the
    neck ornament.

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