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Raised cardboard prints

Raised cardboard prints

Before you start this project, cover your work area with layers of

Cover yourself with an old shirt.


  • cardboard (thick)

  • containers

  • glue (white)

  • paintbrush

  • scissors

  • starch (liquid)

  • tempera paint

  • typing or

shelf paper

  1. Draw a few simple shapes on a piece of thick cardboard. Cut out
    these shapes.

  2. Cut a piece of cardboard about the size of this page. Arrange the
    cut-out shapes on this piece of cardboard. When you like the way you
    have arranged the shapes, glue them in place.

  1. Mix some tempera paint and liquid starch in a plastic container. Use
    a paintbrush to cover each cardboard shape with a thick layer of
    paint. Use one color for all the shapes, or paint some of them
    different colors. If you want to print with more than one color, use
    a different container for each color.

  2. Place a piece of typing or shelf paper on top of the paint-covered
    shapes. Rub your hand over the paper, pressing down hard. Hold the
    paper by one corner and peel it off. You now have a print of the
    cardboard shapes.

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