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Helpful hints

Helpful hints

The following information will help you make some of the projects in
this section. If a special skill is needed, the directions will tell you
the page on which that skill is explained. For example: “Make a stamp
pad (see stamp pad, page 66).” If you do not know how to make a
stamp pad, you will find directions on page 66.

Before you start to paint or print, cover your work area with several
layers of newspaper. Cover yourself with an apron, or an old shirt put
on backwards. Keep a sponge or an old rag handy to wipe up any spills or

A brush is a basic tool used in painting. Paintbrushes come in
different sizes. Some are soft and some are stiff. It’s a good idea to
have a large brush and a small brush. You can buy a package of assorted
brushes at a variety store.

Paint is the basic substance used in painting and printing. You can
buy paint in many colors, but it’s more fun to mix your own colors. Red,
yellow, and blue are called primary colors. You can mix them
together to make the secondary colors, green, purple, and orange.

Mix yellow and blue to make green. Mix red and blue
to make purple. Mix yellow and red to make orange.

Mix your paints in small milk cartons, deep jar lids, empty juice
cans, or other containers. Be sure to have a container of water handy to
clean brushes and other painting tools.

When mixing colors, always add the darker color to the lighter color.
Add a little at a time, until you have the color you want. To darken a
color, add black. To lighten a color, add white.

Helpful hints

Tempera paint is the easiest paint to use for painting and printing.
Tempera paint comes in liquid and powder form. You can buy small bottles
of liquid tempera paint at a variety store. You may have to thin the
paint with a little water. Powdered tempera paint can be bought at an
art supply store. Mix powdered paint with water until it is creamy. Add
a few drops of liquid starch to make the paint last longer.

Finger paint is thicker than tempera paint. You can buy finger paint
at an art supply store, or you can make your own. To make finger paint,
mix one cup of powdered tempera paint with one cup of liquid laundry
starch. If you do not have tempera paint, you can mix two tablespoons of
food coloring with the starch.

A stamp pad is a basic tool used in printing. To make a stamp pad,
place a flat sponge or several layers of paper toweling on a shallow
dish or a thick layer of newspaper. The pad can be any shape, but it
should be larger than the object with which you are going to print. Pour
a little paint in the center of the pad. Spread the paint until it seeps
into the pad. Your stamp pad is ready to use.

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