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A day to vote

A day to vote

For months, people have heard speeches on TV, seen signs and posters,
and read the newspapers. Now, all across the United States, they are
going to polling places to vote. It’s Election Day.

Election Day is always the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
November. In most election years, voters elect representatives and
senators from their state to the United States government. They also
elect officials in their own state, county, and town. And every four
years, they elect a President of the United States.

Voting gives people a chance to decide how their government should be
run. They can elect candidates who will work for the kind of government
they want. Voting is so important that in many states Election Day is a
holiday in years when a President is elected. In other states, people
get time off from work to vote.

These college students are voting in an election. At the end of the
day, the votes will be counted and the winners will be announced.

Election Day

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