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Father of India

Father of India

In India, a wise and holy person is called a mahatma (muh
[haht]{.smallcaps} muh). The title means \”great soul.” The greatest
mahatma of all was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He is known as the
\”father of India.”

As a leader, Gandhi was against violence. He believed that how a person
behaves is more important than what one succeeds in doing. He won many

Gandhi worked many years for India’s freedom from Great Britain. The day
he dreamed of finally came on August 15, 1947. But it was also a sad
day. Quarrels between Hindus and Muslims had caused many riots. Because
of religious differences, Gandhi’s beloved India was divided into two
countries—India and Pakistan.

Gandhi, a Hindu, believed that people of all religions could live
together in peace. But this was not to be. On January 30, 1948, Gandhi
was shot to death by a man who feared what the Mahatma believed.

Mahatma Gandhi led his country to freedom.

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