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For someone I love

Mother’s Day

For someone I love

Even though you can show how much you love your mother on any day, a
special day is set aside to honor mothers.

In the United States, Canada, and Australia, Mother’s Day is the second
Sunday in May. This special day was first observed in the United States
in 1908 through the efforts of Anna Jarvis.

On Mother’s Day, some mothers get cards and gifts that their children
have made for them. Other mothers might get candy or flowers. Many women
wear carnations on Mother’s Day. If a woman wears colored carnations, it
means her mother is living. If she wears white carnations, it means that
her mother has died.

People in England celebrate a special day called Mothering Sunday. It
comes about three weeks before Easter. On that day, sons and daughters
living away from home come home with flowers and special cakes or candy
for their mothers. Some children give their mothers flowers that are
blessed in church on Mothering Sunday.

What about fathers? Do they have a special day, too? Of course, they do.
Fathers get cards and gifts their children have made for them, as well
as neckties and other gifts. Father’s Day is celebrated in June in the
United States, Canada, and England and in September in Australia.

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