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Color and decorate your own Easter eggs

Color and decorate your own Easter eggs

To make colored eggs, start with white hard- cooked eggs. Ask a grown-up
to cook them for you. Then cover your work space with a pad of

To make the dye solution, add a teaspoonful of vinegar to half a cupful
of warm tap water. Drop in 20 drops of food coloring and stir. Do the
same for each color. If you have Easter egg dye from the store, follow
the directions on the package.

To color an egg, put it on a spoon and lower it into the dye solution.
Leave it in until it is the shade you want.

To shine your colored eggs, rub them with a cloth dipped in vegetable
oil or shortening.

Your Easter eggs don’t all have to be solid colors. You can dye some of
them so that they have swirls of color such as you see in some marbles.

Add a teaspoonful of salad oil to your dye mixture. Mix the oil in well.
Keep the egg in the dye for a few minutes.

When you lift it out, it will have beautiful swirls of color.

Would you like to have colored eggs with designs on them? One way is to
draw a design on an egg with a crayon before you dye the egg. When you
take the egg out of the dye, the design will show through.

Or, wrap string or rubber bands around an egg. After the egg is colored,
take off the wrapping and you’ll see a design.

You can make this Easter bunny with a colored egg.

For the eyes, cut out two round pieces of white paper. Draw a dot in
each eye. A button makes a good nose. For whiskers, use strips of white
paper. Cut out the ears from construction paper. Glue all of these in

To make the holder, use a strip of construction paper. All you have to
do is tape the ends together.

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