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The changing birthday

Birthday of

George Washington

February 22

The changing birthday

It’s a good old American custom to enjoy cherry pie on Washington’s
birthday. But do you know why?

The custom probably began because of a story told about America’s first
President. According to this tale, young George chopped down one of his
father’s cherry trees. When his father asked who had done it, George
confessed. He is supposed to have said, \”Father, I cannot tell a lie.”

Like many stories about Washington, this one probably isn’t true. But
people loved and admired Washington. They were willing to believe almost
anything about his honesty and goodness.

Today, Washington’s birthday is on February 22. But this is not the date
on which he was born. When Washington was born, people in England and
America did not use the calendar used today (see page 24). According to
the calendar then in use, Washington was born on February 11, 1731.

In 1752, England and America switched to the calendar used today. This
meant dropping eleven days. So, what would have been September 3, 1752,
became September 14. At the same time, New Year’s Day was changed from
March 25 to January 1.

People born before 1752 were to add eleven days to the date of their
birth. And if they

were born between January 1 and March 25 they were to add one year. So,
Washington’s birthday became February 22, 1732 instead of February 11,

As you might expect, most people were slow to change their birthday. For
many years, Washington continued to celebrate his birthday on February
11. But by the time he became President, he and others celebrated his
birthday on February 22.

Things stayed this way for many years. But since 1971, this holiday has
been celebrated on the third Monday in February. This change was made so
that people could enjoy a three-day weekend.

George Washington led the American Army to victory over the British
in the Revolutionary War.

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