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Cave for rent

Cave for rent

A cave can be a dark, musty, creepy place—a den for bats, birds, and
crawly things that whir and buzz. Or a cave can be a cozy house for a

In southern Spain, many families live in caves. Why? Because a cave is
cool in summer and warm in winter. The families in these caves are
sheltered from rain, wind, and cold. In fact, a cave is most of the
things a good house is supposed to be. And it doesn’t cost much to live
in one of these caves.

Of course, a cave has to be fixed up before it can be lived in. Modern
cave dwellers get rid of the bats and clean out the cave. Then they
build rooms with doors and windows. Sometimes they even bring in
electricity. Finally, they hang pictures on the walls and put carpets on
the floors.

These Spanish caves are much nicer than those the cave men lived in
thousands of years ago. If you could choose, would you live in a cave or
in an ordinary house?

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