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Food from the sea

These fish were caught in the sea near Ghana. People living near the sea
eat a lot of fish.

Food from the sea

Today, more than ever, the sea is an important source of food.

Fish has always been an important food, especially for people who live
on islands and along coasts. Thirty thousand years ago, people fished
from the shore. They tied pointed slivers of bone to long lines made of
woven grass or animal skin. The lines were dropped into the water. When
a fish swallowed the bone, the bone stuck in its throat and the fish
could be pulled in.

In time, people began to use boats when they went fishing. They also
found a way to catch more fish at once—with nets. All over the world,
for thousands of years, fishing- boats have sailed out each morning,
seeking a day’s catch of fish. Even today, men in small boats sail out
to catch fish by dropping lines or nets into the water.

But most large nations now have fleets of huge ships with electronic
devices for finding- fish and machinery for hauling them in. Millions of
tons of fish are taken from the sea every year. This is valuable and
important food that is badly needed.

Of course, fish is not the only food that comes from the sea.
Crustaceans such as lobsters, crabs, and shrimp are also an important
food. So are many mollusks— oysters, clams, scallops, and squid.
People have hunted all of these creatures for thousands of years.

Lobsters are caught in traps. The traps are baited with a piece of fish
and dropped into the water. When a lobster crawls into the trap it can’t
get out again. A lobster fisher pulls up his traps every day or so.
Shrimp and crabs are caught in nets. Long ago, oysters were hunted by
divers who swam down and plucked them up by hand. Today, large numbers
of oysters are scooped up by machines called dredges.

Many of the creatures living in the sea have been—or still
are—hunted by people. Since prehistoric times the sea has been a
hunting ground because it is a rich source of food and other materials.
It will continue to be a hunting ground for a long time.

A variety of fresh fish and other seafood is available at this fish
market restaurant in Belgium.

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