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What you can do to help

planting trees

You can help save the green kingdom by planting new plants where they
are needed. These children are planting healthy young trees on the
grounds of their school.

collecting wastepaper

Wastepaper can help save trees! It can be sold to mills that will make
new paper from it. Then fewer trees will have to be cut down to be made
into paper.

What you can do to help

You may think there’s not much you can do to help save plants. But there
are lots of things you can do! Here are just a few.

Save your family’s old newspapers and wastepaper. Boy Scouts, Girl
Scouts, and other groups often collect old paper. It can be sent to
places that will make new paper from it. This means that fewer trees
will be cut down to be made into paper.

If you have a lawn, rake the leaves that fall on it in autumn. Don’t
burn them. That pollutes the air. Instead, rake them into a pile that’s
flat on top and leave them where rain can soak into them. They will rot
and turn into dark, muddy-looking humus. Spread the humus on your lawn
and it will make the soil richer for the grass and other plants.

Sometimes you can help plants by not doing things.

Don’t peel bark from trees. The outside bark protects a tree from
insects and fungus enemies. The inner bark moves food from the leaves to
the roots. Peeling off a tree’s bark may cause the tree to die.

When you pick wild flowers, don’t take them all. Let some grow so that
they can make seeds. Then, the next year, there will be many more wild
flowers for everyone to enjoy.

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