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Insect enemies

Insect enemies

Suppose you could make yourself as tiny as an insect. Then, suppose you
sat on a leaf in a garden and were very still. You would probably hear a
munching, crunching noise all around you. For, all summer long, day and
night, billions of insects chew away at plants.

Many insects are truly plant enemies. And they’re our enemies, too,
because their food is often the same as ours—corn, wheat, tomatoes,
potatoes, and fruit.

There are several ways to protect plants from insects. Some people use
poison sprays, but many of these sprays are dangerous. Gardeners and
farmers know that one of the best ways to protect plants from insects is
with other insects.

Once, little insects called aphids were damaging alfalfa crops in
California. The farmers turned thou­sands of ladybugs loose in their
fields. The ladybugs gobbled up the aphids and saved the crops.

Using insects to fight insects is the safest way to protect plants.
Scientists are looking for other ways. Getting rid of harmful insect
enemies is important. But it has to be done with care. All insects, even
those that attack plants, help maintain the balance of nature.

tent caterpillars

Tent caterpillars are deadly enemies of plants. A nest of tent
caterpillars will often eat all the buds or young leaves on a tree. When
this happens, the tree will die.

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