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Living-room gardens


Living-room gardens

Would you like to have a garden in your living room? One way to do it is
to buy house plants. Philodendrons, ser­pent’s tongue, and rubber plants,
which grow wild in hot parts of the world, make good house plants in
cool places. These plants don’t need much light—just a warm room, a
little water, and a dusting- now and then.

You can also sprout your own plants. You will need:

an avocado seed or a sweet potato

4 toothpicks

a jar

Stick four toothpicks into opposite

sides of an avocado seed. Place the seed,

water potting soil a planter

rubber plant

point up, in a jar partly filled with water. Rest the toothpicks on the
rim of the jar, so that only the bottom of the seed is in water. Put the
jar in a warm, light room. Soon the seed will sprout.

After the seed has sprouted roots and leaves, fill a planter with soil.
Plant the seed in the center. Cover the roots and most of the seed with
dirt, but don’t cover the seed completely. Water your plant and place it
in a warm sunny room. Now watch your garden grow! You can do this with a
sweet potato, too.

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