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A tall plant with tasty seeds

A tall plant with tasty seeds

Sunflowers are big plants with thick, hairy stems and big, heart-shaped
leaves. Sunflower blossoms are often as big as din­ner plates, and
sunflowers sometimes grow twice as tall as a tall man.

Sunflower seeds were an important food for many American Indian tribes.
The In­dians dried the seeds and ground them into powder. They used the
powder to make bread and thicken soup. Sometimes they mixed powdered
sunflower seeds with fat to make a sort of pudding.

Sunflowers grow wild in prairies and meadows, but there are sunflower
farms in many parts of the world. Oil from sun­flower seeds is used to
make margarine, cooking oils, paint, and soap. And many people enjoy
eating sunflower seeds.

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