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Where the plants change their clothes

Where the plants change their clothes

Do the trees where you live change their clothes during the year? Do
they wear light green buds in the springtime, dark green leaves in the
summer, and beautiful reds, golds, and purples in the fall? If they do,
you live in the woodland community.

Trees—oaks, maples, elms, lindens, beeches, and many others—are the
most important plants in the woodland. Once, these trees grew together
in huge forests in many parts of the world. Most of these forests have
been cut down. But if any of these kinds of trees grow near you, you’re
probably living where a great woodland forest once grew, long ago.

Most of the plants in the woodland grow leaves and flowers in spring and
summer. These kinds of plants grow best where summers aren’t too hot and
winters aren’t too cold, and where the ground receives just about the
same amount of moisture all year round.

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