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The night world

The night world

A mouse scampers through the grass in a meadow. It is night and only the
stars are out. The mouse can hardly see, but it finds its way in the
dark, because it is in its territory. The air is full of smells, and the
mouse sniffs at them as it runs. It uses its nose to find food.

A big-eyed owl sits in a nearby tree. The big eyes let in more light and
help the owl see even in the dimmest light. The owl can’t see the mouse,
because the night is too dark. Suddenly, the owl flies straight toward
the mouse. The owl can hear so well that it hears even the tiny sound of
the mouse running. The mouse squeaks as the owl’s claws snatch it up!

The owl and the mouse are only two of the night animals in the meadow.
At night a forest or meadow is filled with moths, fireflies,
whippoorwills, foxes, raccoons, bats, and other animals. All night long,
these night animals hunt and eat in their world of darkness, sounds, and

Barn Owl

The owl has caught a mouse and will eat it. Owls and mice are night

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