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This fish

This fish

This is a looking page. What does the picture tell you about the fish?

This fish has shiny scales. Scales are like small, thin pieces of
fingernail that cover a fish’s body.

This fish has big, staring eyes. Its eyes are always open because it has
no eyelids.

This fish has fins on its back and underside. The fish steers itself
with its fins as it swims. It swims by wiggling its broad tail.

On the fish’s head, just above the front fins, are the fish’s gills.
Every fish has gills.

Gills are what a fish breathes with. They are openings filled with thin
pieces of skin like the pages of a book. Water goes into the openings
and through the “pages.” They take the oxygen out of the water and put
the oxygen into the fish’s blood. Like all animals, a fish must have
oxygen to live.

Brown Trout

It’s a Fish 71

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