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New living things

Baby and Adult Mexican Bean Beetles

The baby beetle, at left, is very different from the adult. But when
the baby grows up, it will look like the adult.

New living things

All living things come from other living- things. Every baby animal
comes from a grown-up animal like itself. A baby pen­guin comes from a
penguin. A horse comes from a horse. A beetle comes from a beetle.

Some baby animals come right out of their mothers’ bodies. Horses are
born this way. So are monkeys, cats, whales, and some fish and snakes.

Some baby animals come out of eggs that come from their mothers’ bodies.
Penguins are born this way. So are beetles, frogs, and most fish.

Some baby animals look like their par­ents. Some look very different. But
every baby animal grows up to be exactly the same kind of animal as its

King Penguins

The baby penguin came from an egg that was laid by a mother penguin. The
baby will grow to look just like her.

The foal came out of its mother’s body. It looks very much like her.

Mare and Foal

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