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Animals move

Animals move

Plants can’t move from place to place by themselves, but animals move in
many different ways.

A clam has one foot that it uses for digging into mud or sand.

A penguin walks on two legs.

A kudu walks or runs on four legs.

Ladybugs walk on six legs.

Spiders walk on eight legs.

Centipedes may have a hundred pairs of legs on which to walk, and some
millipedes walk on more legs than that.

Snakes slide on no legs at all.

Bats and many kinds of birds and insects fly. Fish swim.

Some animals move only when they are young. Barnacles, sponges, and baby
oys­ters swim through the water until they find a good place to stay.
Then they fasten themselves down and never move again.

Animals can move around without help. If it moves by itself, it’s an


A centipede is an animal that moves on many legs. This centipede has
forty legs. Some centipedes have more.

Brain Coral

Little wormlike animals live inside these twisty tunnels. They poke
their heads up, but they never move around.

Birds and insects are animals that can use their legs for moving on
the ground and their wings for moving in the air.

The kudu is one of the animals

that walk and run on four legs.

Greater Kudu

Snakes are animals that have no legs at all. But a snake can move quite
fast on rough ground.

California Kingsnake

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