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Planets, Stars, and Galaxies

Planets, Stars, and Galaxies

Planets, Stars, and Galaxies

The black emptiness

Space is—emptiness. It is black because emptiness has no light of its own. It is neither cold nor hot because emptiness has no temperature. And, of course, there is no air or water in space. But…

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The bright giant

It’s a Fact About 1,300,000 planets the size of earth could be packed into the sun. Millions of miles (kilometers) out in space there is a gigantic ball of hot, glowing gas we call the sun. The…

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How the sun was born

Most scientists think our sun began as an immense cloud of gas and dust. Stars that are growing old often shoot out enormous clouds of gas and dust. The gas and dust are made up of all kinds of…

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The source of life

Without the sun, there could be no life on earth. Energy pours up out of the raging hot atomic furnace that is the center of the sun. It moves up to the sun’s seething, boiling surface and rushes…

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