I think of things I know and see. I also think of things as they might be. Suppose I write a poem about an animal, halfelephant and half-giraffe. Shall I call it an elephaffe? How would it look?...
I wonder and I wish
I wonder if I'll ever know about everything in my world. I ask about the things that puzzle me. I learn some new thing every day. Still I wonder. I write poems that tell about the things that are...
The invention of nothing
One of the most important things ever invented was---nothing! But how can nothing be important? And how can nothing be invented? To understand, we have to go back to the abacus. To show the number...
Cards that say “You’re special”
> Inside the card, write a special message for the person and add more > decorations. Greeting cards should be as special as the people who are going to receive them. That's why the best cards...
Carnival games
Egg-Carton Bean Race Start with an egg carton. Write a number, from one to six, in each cup on one side of the egg carton. Write the numbers in order or mix them up. Write the same numbers in the...