When you sing, you're a musical instrument---and when you speak, you're not. Singing and speaking are different, even though you make the sounds in almost the same way. You sing and speak by making...
If you talk or sing before an audience, and your voice echoes, the echo makes your words bump into each other. That's bad, because people can't understand what you're saying or singing. Great...
Let’s all sing
Do you know "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"? Or "The Frog Went A'Courting"? Or "Yankee Doodle"? These are folk songs. Foik songs are songs that are made up by common people. Many folk songs tell about...
Sea Shell, Sea Shell
Sing of the things you know so well. Sea Shell by Amy Lowell Sea Shell, Sea Shell, Sing me a song, 0 please! A song of ships, and sailormen, And parrots, and tropical trees, Of islands lost in...
The first birds
The birds of today sing or whistle or screech. But the first birds may have hissed like snakes! They were more like reptiles than like birds. They were reptiles with wings and feathers. The first...
J’s the Jumping Jay-Walker
by Phyllis McGinley J's the jumping Jay-walker, A sort of human jeep. He crosses where the lights are red. Before he looks, he'll leap! Then many a wheel Begins to squeal, And many a brake to...
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye; Four and twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish To set before the king? The...