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Poet of Scotland

Birthday of Robert Burns January 25 How would you like to eat a pudding that has been cooked in a sheep's stomach? You'll certainly have a chance if you ever go to a party to celebrate the...

Special helpers

> Guide Dog > > Sheep Dog > > Sheep dogs are trained to help take care of flocks of sheep. > > Guide dogs help blind people walk without stumbling or bumping into > things. Dogs make good pets....

Meat and cloth

> This sheep is ready to be sheared. Its wool coat is thick and heavy. The wool is carefully sheared off in one piece. This doesn't hurt the sheep. Sheep These sheep have had their wool sheared...

Little Bo-Peep

> Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And can't tell where to find them; > > Leave them alone, and they'll come home, > > And bring their tails behind them. > > Little Bo-Peep fell fast asleep, > ...