(two to twenty players) One player thinks of a person, a place, or a thing. The other players try to find out what it is by taking turns to ask up to twenty questions. A player can only ask a...
Pencil and Paper Games
(two players) This simple game is also known as Tit-Tat-Toe and Naughts and Crosses. Draw two lines down and two lines across to make nine spaces. One player uses an X to mark spaces. The other...
Card Games
ABC's of Card Playing Card games are lots of fun. But to play, you have to know the names of the cards and the value of each one. There are also special words and rules to learn. A deck or pack has...
Indoor or Outdoor Games
(two players) This game is played with three simple hand signs: a fist for a rock, two fingers in a V-shape for scissors, and an open hand for paper. To start, the players hide their hands behind...
Outdoor Games
> Captain, May I? > > (three or more players) > > The first player to cross the line wins and becomes the next Captain. What's a giant step? How about a banana slip, a scissors, or an umbrella?...