My hands and feet are important parts of me that I can see. I use them to do all kinds of work. My fingers and thumbs pick up things and hold them. When I try to pick up things without using my...
Ali Kwazoor’s choice
Prince Ali Kwazoor of Zuristan had been on a long and dangerous journey. He had sailed stormy seas and crossed burning deserts! He had fought fierce dragons and evil monsters! But now his journey was...
Magic squares
Have you ever seen a magic square? At one time, people gave all kinds of meanings to magic squares. But of course there is nothing really magic about them. They are just a special arrangement of...
Hickety, Pickety, My Black Hen
Hickety, pickety, my black hen, She lays eggs for gentlemen; Gentlemen come every day To see what my black hen doth lay. Sometimes nine and sometimes ten, Hickety, pickety, my black hen. > Baa,...