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Natural enemies

Most animals have natural enemies---other animals that like to eat them. It's night on a desert in the United States. A wolf spider is hunting. The spider is the natural enemy of beetles and other...

The night world

A mouse scampers through the grass in a meadow. It is night and only the stars are out. The mouse can hardly see, but it finds its way in the dark, because it is in its territory. The air is full of...

Mother, Mother, I Want Another

by Maria Polushkin pictures by Diane Dawson It was bedtime in the mouse house. Mrs. Mouse took baby mouse to his room. She helped him put on his pajamas and told him to brush his teeth. She...

Who Is So Pretty?

by Elizabeth Coatsworth Skitter, skatter, Leap and squeak! We've been dancing Half the week. Under the sofa, Along the shelf, Every mouse Is wild as an elf. Big round ear And bright black eye,...

Alice in Wonderland

1: Down the Rabbit-Hole from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll The author invented this story for a little girl named Alice Liddell and her two sisters. He told it to them while...