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Bits and pieces

> What's in a sand castle? Millions and millions of tiny grains of sand. The many grains of sand are packed together to make a single shape---a castle with towers, walls, and bridges. And what...

A window on the world

Long ago, people didn't get much news. They never even knew what happened a few miles away---unless someone who had been there told them. That was the only way to get news---someone had to tell you....

Books to Read

Your school and public library have many interesting books about animals for you to look at and read. You may find these and other books there. Ages 5 to 8 Ant Cities by Arthur Dorros (Crowell,...

Champion egg layers

Some fish don't lay eggs. Some fish lay a few eggs. Some fish lay thousands of eggs, and some fish lay millions of eggs. A mother herring may lay more than forty thousand eggs at a time. The eggs...