Some coastlines are beaches where sand and water meet. But some coastlines have no beaches. Instead, water crashes against the side of a mountain, or water slaps against the side of a glacier. Some...
The club you may belong to has rules or laws. So do governments. But the people who run governments don't meet in a basement or a clubhouse the way your club might. Instead, they meet in special...
The family of nations
The biggest "family" in the world is the United Nations. It has more than 150 members---almost every nation in the world. Each nation sends people to represent it at United Nations headquarters in...
It’s the law!
> France In France, a group called the Parliament makes the laws. Each family has rules. Parents make them. Brothers and sisters sometimes get a chance to decide what the rules will be. Once the...
I Keep Three Wishes Ready
by Annette Wynne I keep three wishes ready, Lest I should chance to meet, Any day a fairy Coming down the street. I'd hate to have to stammer, Or have to think them out, For it's very hard to think...
Furry Bear
by A. A. Milne If I were a bear, And a big bear too, I shouldn't much care If it froze or snew; I shouldn't much mind If it snowed or friz--- I'd be all fur-lined With a coat like his! For...