No one's voice is exactly like mine. And my voice isn't always exactly the same. But people usually know me by my voice. I use my lips, my tongue, and my teeth when I speak. I also use the soft part...
Counting machines
The abacus was the "great grandparent" of many other kinds of counting machines, such as the adding machine, the cash register, the computer, and the electronic calculator. It's easy to see where we...
Easy as one-two-three
Whirr! The faster you turn the handle, the faster the eggbeater goes. Pretty soon the eggs are a froth of golden-yellow bubbles! The eggbeater makes the work easy---much easier and faster than if you...
A machine that never stops?
For twenty-seven years Dr. Coatsworthy Mothbold has been building an automatic polka-dotting machine. It can paint polka dots on anything---walls and windows, shirts and socks, even pretzels and...