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Where are the horses?

Imagine a team of horses---fifty or a hundred or even more---pulling your car down the highway! Actually, your car's engine has that much pulling power---the pulling power of a certain number of...


Make a large supply of papier-mache pulp (see papier-mache pulp, page 89). You will use the pulp in step 3. Materials - glue (white) - newspaper - paintbrush - papier-mache pulp - pipe cleaners...


Horses have been so important to people that sometimes when a sculptor makes a statue of a person, the sculptor includes a horse. This kind of statue is called an eques­trian statue. The word...

Sea horses

Someone once described the sea horse as a fish with the head of a horse, the tail of a monkey, the hard, outer shell of an insect, and the pouch of a kangaroo! And this is a good description. The sea...

Change or die!

Eohippus Scientists think the eohippus was the ancestor of the modern horse. The eohippus was a small animal that had toes instead of hoofs. Suppose that all the milkweed plants in the world...

It’s a Fish

A sea horse is a fish. Sometimes it's hard to tell what's a fish and what isn't. A sea horse doesn't look like a fish, but it is. And a dolphin looks like a fish, but it isn't! How can you tell...