I see a horse in a field. If I can't see the horse clearly, my eyes need help. Eyeballs should be nearly round. People whose eyeballs are too long are nearsighted. They look at the far-off horse,...
Where are the horses?
Imagine a team of horses---fifty or a hundred or even more---pulling your car down the highway! Actually, your car's engine has that much pulling power---the pulling power of a certain number of...
Make a large supply of papier-mache pulp (see papier-mache pulp, page 89). You will use the pulp in step 3. Materials - glue (white) - newspaper - paintbrush - papier-mache pulp - pipe cleaners...
There's an island in the United States between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan that's still in the horse and buggy days. The most important traffic law on Mackinac Island is People travel by horse or...
Horses have been so important to people that sometimes when a sculptor makes a statue of a person, the sculptor includes a horse. This kind of statue is called an equestrian statue. The word...
Sea horses
Someone once described the sea horse as a fish with the head of a horse, the tail of a monkey, the hard, outer shell of an insect, and the pouch of a kangaroo! And this is a good description. The sea...
Change or die!
Eohippus Scientists think the eohippus was the ancestor of the modern horse. The eohippus was a small animal that had toes instead of hoofs. Suppose that all the milkweed plants in the world...
It’s a Fish
A sea horse is a fish. Sometimes it's hard to tell what's a fish and what isn't. A sea horse doesn't look like a fish, but it is. And a dolphin looks like a fish, but it isn't! How can you tell...
Pippi Goes to the Circus from Pippi Longstocking by Astrid
Lindgren translated from the Swedish by Florence Lamborn Way out at the end of a tiny little town was an old overgrown garden, and in the garden was an old house, and in the house lived Pippi...
How the Camel Got His Hump
from Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling In the beginning of years, when the world was so new and all, and the Animals were just beginning to work for Man, there was a Camel, and he lived in the...
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