I was when I was a baby. I am me now. And I will still be when I grow up. Some things about me are different than they were when I was a baby. My body is bigger and stronger than it was. I can do...
What’s right? What’s wrong?
I wonder about other kinds of things, too. I wonder: Why was I made? What am I on earth for? What does being alive mean? What makes me think? What makes me feel? How do I know what is right? ...
Part of me is always new
As I grow, my body changes. It changes inside where I cannot see the changes. It changes outside where I can see what is happening to me. Inside of me cells grow and divide, so I grow bigger inside...
How big will I be?
If my cells are always dividing into new cells, why don't I grow bigger and bigger and never stop? That won't happen! One reason is that even though my body makes new cells, other cells wear out....
I grow
I am always growing. Growing is the easiest thing I do. I don't have to think about it. It just happens. I can stop running or walking or climbing, but I can't stop myself from growing. How do I...
Friends share my widening world
I am growing up. To grow is to learn. I like the people who help me grow. I learn many things from friends my own age and from my family, my doctor, my dentist, my teachers, and lots of other...
Food to grow on
> Some foods help my body grow and grow. Some foods help my body stay warm. > Some foods help my body work properly. Sometimes I don't wear out my shoes I grow out of them. My baby shoes are...
My hair
About a hundred thousand hairs cover the top of my head. I can pull out a hair and a new one will grow to take its place. The hair grows and is cut and grows some more. Where does all that hair come...
Is there a river that runs backwards? Is there a place where people grow a plant that is a food and that can also be used to make blankets? Is there a road that's long enough to reach around the...
To get the things we need
We all work to get the things we need. Some of us grow our own food and make our own clothes. Some of us work for money to buy these things. In this book, you will discover some of the ways we earn a...