A triangle called Isosceles, And his friend who was known as Obtuse, Were arguing over the very best way To cook a Christmas goose. "Let's bake it," the Obtuse one said, "In an open fireplace,...
Outdoor Games
> Captain, May I? > > (three or more players) > > The first player to cross the line wins and becomes the next Captain. What's a giant step? How about a banana slip, a scissors, or an umbrella?...
The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
The fox went out on a chilly night, And begged the moon to give him light, For he had many a mile to go that night Before he reached the town-o! Town-o! town-o! For he had many a mile to go that...
Goosey, Goosey Gander
Goosey, goosey gander, Whither shall I wander? Upstairs and downstairs And in my lady's chamber. There I met an old man Who would not say his prayers. I took him by the left leg And threw him...