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Amphibians go hunting

Most kinds of amphibians hide and sleep during the day. At night they come creeping and hopping out to hunt for food. Frogs and toads seem to be always hungry. And, in a way, they're a lot like...

This amphibian

> The red-eyed tree frog is an amphibian. This is a looking page. It can show you many things about this frog, if you look carefully. See the frog's big, round eyes? They are on the very top of...

An animal grows up

> Lions > > As the lion cub grows up, it will learn from its mother and father > many things about being a lion. Could a parrot ever roar like a lion? Could a frog learn to fly like a bird? Could...

Until I Saw the Sea

by Lilian Moore Until I saw the sea I did not know that wind could wrinkle water so. I never knew that sun could splinter a whole sea of blue. Nor did I know before, a sea breathes in and out...

Frog and Toad

from Frog and Toad Are Friends written and illustrated by Arnold Lobel A Lost Button Toad and Frog went for a long walk. They walked across a large meadow. They walked in the woods. They walked...


by Christina Rossetti Lullaby, oh, lullaby! Flowers are closed and lambs are sleeping; Lullaby, oh, lullaby! Stars are up, the moon is peeping; Lullaby, oh, lullaby! While the birds are silence...