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By Gladys Gardner Jenkins, M.A. Moving can be an exciting adventure or an uncomfortable disruption in your child's life. But since children usually follow the lead of their parents, the degree of...

My feelings

How shall I tell someone what makes me happy? Or what makes me sad? I'll make up a poem. I'll choose from all the words I know, the ones that tell exactly how I feel. I'll put them side by side in...

Families everywhere

I know that my family does some things differently from the ways other families in the world do the same things. But I also know that families---no matter where they live---do some things in the same...

My family

Maybe I live with my natural parents, the mother and father to whom I was born. We love each other. We are a family. But maybe I do not live with my natural parents. Maybe I was adopted. My mother...

Do we have to?

"Aw, come on! Let's play one more game." "We can't. We have to go home now." David and Betty didn't want to leave. They were having too much fun. But helping to set the table is a rule in their...