Do you know the color of number five? Do you know the shape of a four? Do you know which number is lucky? We can tell you all that and more! For there's a lore and a magic in numbers, Or so...
Tapestry weaving
Materials - blunt needle - cardboard (stiff) - crayons or felt-tip pens - fork or comb - paper (blank) - scissors - stick needles (three or more) - string - yarn (two or more colors) A...
Pleat and dye prints
Materials - containers (three) - food coloring (blue, red, yellow) - newspaper - paper towels (white) - water Before you start this project, cover your work area with layers of newspaper....
Brush painting
Materials - containers (four) - newspaper (want-ad section) - paintbrushes (large) - tempera paint (blue, red, yellow) - water Before you begin this project, cover your work area with layers...
Helpful hints
The following information will help you make some of the projects in this section. If a special skill is needed, the directions will tell you the page on which that skill is explained. For example:...
The once-wild Colorado River has been tamed. A mighty dam keeps the river from overflowing and flooding houses and farmlands. Water from the river goes to farms in three states. The river also makes...