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Waiting to be born

I had a lot of growing to do before I would be ready to be born. The egg and the sperm which had joined to make my life found a waiting place in which to grow. The waiting place was the uterus in my...

Before I was born

Where was I before I was born? I was warm and safe inside my mother's body, in a special place beneath her stomach. I was there because my mother and my father loved each other and wanted me. This is...

What is a cell ?

All living things---plants, animals, and people---are made of cells. I am made of cells. A cell is the smallest living part of me it is possible to imagine. A cell can be long, short, thin, fat,...

Stained-glass fish

> Materials - transparent tape or white glue ``` ``` - construction paper (black) - cellophane or tissue paper (different colors) - pencil or crayon (light color) - scissors 1. Draw...