Tetanus (lockjaw) is an acute infectious disease that causes muscle spasms and convulsions. The spasms of the jaw muscles make it difficult to open the mouth, which is why this disease is called...
Smallpox – Sore Throat
Smallpox was one of the most feared of contagious diseases. Throughout history, it brought death, blindness, or disfiguring facial scars to hundreds of millions of people. But it became the first...
Rash – Roseola
Rash. Since it is difficult to tell a mild, relatively harmless rash from a serious one, consult a doctor if your child develops a rash which persists and continues to spread, especially if the...
Pacifier – Pneumonia
Pacifiers commonly are made of a small plastic or rubber nippple attached to a flat disk that keeps the infant from swallowing the nipple. A pacifier offers no nourishment, yet it often soothes a...
Nose, Objects in the – Nosebleed
Nose, objects in the. Sometimes by accident, and sometimes just to find out what will happen, a child puts an object into a nostril. If the child's nose bleeds, or if you cannot see the foreign...
Dehydratation – Dislocation
Dehydration is a condition that results when the water content of the body drops excessively. It is sometimes accompanied by a loss of certain body minerals, such as sodium and potassium. ...
Cyanosis – Cysts
Cyanosis is a bluish coloring of the skin and lips that results from a lack of oxygen in the blood. A "blue baby" has cyanosis because a congenital (present at birth) heart defect interferes with...
Conjunctivitis – Constipation
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the membrane covering the outer, front layer of the eyeball and the lining of the eyelid. It may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi allergies, or chemical...
Colds – Coma
Colds. Sneezing, a stopped-up or runny nose, sore throat, and a cough usually are signs of the "common cold," a malady with which parents are all too familiar. Children under 2 years old usually get...
Choking – Chorea
Choking. A child may choke from accidentally breathing food or other objects into the windpipe. If the child is coughing violently but can still breathe, go to the nearest hospital immediately. If...