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> Most children enjoy having stories read to them at bedtime. stimulated to a point where both the amount and the quality of sleep suffer. A child who becomes overtired may resist going to bed and...

Long roads

I like to travel with my family. I go to the gas station with my mother. The garage man checks our car for safety. We go back home and I sit on top of a big suitcase so Dad can close it. And then...

A long winter nap

In the autumn, a woodchuck curls up into a ball in its underground home and goes to sleep. And it sleeps during the whole winter. The woodchuck's sleep isn't like the sleep you have at night. The...


by Christina Rossetti Lullaby, oh, lullaby! Flowers are closed and lambs are sleeping; Lullaby, oh, lullaby! Stars are up, the moon is peeping; Lullaby, oh, lullaby! While the birds are silence...

Go to Sleep

> a French nursery rhyme adapted by Nicholas Tucker Go to sleep, My dear little brother, Go to sleep, Dear brother of mine. Papa is a knight With armor so bright; Mama is a queen, In her...